Monday, September 30, 2019

Communication and Crisis paper Essay

When a certain crisis is going or a situation at the time then the emergency management office is going to be communicating with one another inside of the office and also outside of the organization as well. When dealing with and issue or matter however you look at it no matter what but also sometimes to it can be very difficult for the organization to meet up with one another at the time to get information about what is going on in the community or town during the time. But when you are working with so many different organization at the time communication can be hard for all of them that why you to come up with an idea for the groups or organization when discussing a certain topic with information you have it must be a design timely matter for things to be cover and also each member must be available while working with one another and also be very cooperation to when it comes to the organizations so you won’t cause the public to have an panic attack about the matter that is going on in the community. That which could cause a lot more of problems down the line for the town as well your own self while a crisis is going on that is why the emergency management office have to be very carefully what they say on news and television and the radio broadcast station about a crisis so they don’t put people under more pressure while communicate about the crisis that is involved the community. When a crisis is taking place at a certain time there are going to be many advantages and challenges with every organization as well to for the public no matter what. The one thing you have to do is make sure there are no challenges or advantages that might make the people in the community have a panic attack or a nervous breakdown while a crisis is going on that which  harms them at the time. But when the emergency management office get certain information about a crisis at the time they must get expertise information from other resources that is adequate when dealing with a certain matter that is why they take precautions also to as well to. Because when a certain crisis is going on people can breakdown under pressure so this is why the organizations should be prepared for things like this also there should be more integrated communication plan in place while collaboration with one another at the very moment about a topic or crisis. Differences in communication processes what one has learned from the scenario and how one might incorporate that knowledge to improve healthcare communication strategies? I know there are so many different types of communications processes that you can used when dealing a certain situation or crisis at the time. But also you must have effective communication with one another while a crisis is going on and making sure you have a better understanding as well to. I think the best way to go with communication method is the effective way because every little thing will be on the television, news station and the radio station along with the social media to because when a certain crisis is going on at the time one must find a way to communicate about the situation or matter that is why now it is a lot more of technology available to communicate today around the world. When trying to send a message out to others that is why one must find out what communication strategy method work for them best when trying to improve healthcare communication skills with one another at that time in the field of medical. Appropriate technology like social media and how technologies may be used to enhance communication when a crisis is going or even an certain situation at the moment there are certain things that should be used and appropriate to use or say in the social media while you are reach out to a lot of people around the world at the time like this. Because sometimes people can go online and add more things about the crisis or situation that might not even be true at all that is why the organization must be very carefully when sending out a message to the public about a certain topic or matter also the  social media must have information to back up a crisis that is happened while they are communicate about topic with information that is mostly reliable and telling the truth as well also before it even get out to the public. Because you don’t want to send out the wrong message to the public because that will be worldwide no matter what also the technology should enhance their communication skills during and time like this in the social media but in the healthcare field they should try to come up with a lot more of communication theory that is going to be very effective in a crisis by having more advancement in technology. How technology may be used differently now then it was during the crisis is in certain crisis at the moment that is going on one must use the appropriate communication skills strategy that fit them very best to their ability with the most accurate information in an crisis form of communication that is being broadcast all over the different types of networks at the very important moment. This is why one must have a certain type of communication method while working with technology today in the social media spotlight that is going to be on the local television stations and radio station as well also to for the emergency management technologies while they are reaching out to the population around the world about a main disaster crisis at the time with updated information in a more timely manner. Media opportunities during a crisis The media have so many different opportunities when it comes to an crisis that is taking place at the time with television airtime and news station and radio station as well also to with the newspaper no matter what. Because this is a lot more of good media time for them with many more opportunities as well when they look at it for the time being that which will put them on top in the big spotlight by promote their self and business to because they know many people are going to watch the news for information about a certain crisis or issue that is being broadcast as well that is going be good for publicity In an crisis that is going on at the moment it is an essential to have good  communication skill for the people inside of the community at the time by let them know what it is going and also by not causing any problems or panic attacks by trying your best to describe what is being done as possible to prevent this matter. By having good communication skills strategy when it all comes down to communicating with each other in all of these types of organization in the field so everyone can get the information in a timely manner and order as well to. But however you look at it there are going to be some challenges and advantages while things is being address to the public about certain situation when talking to the community and town of people. And also when one is discussing an crisis at the time they must make sure it is appropriate to the technology as well also to with the social media that they are going to using in the spotlight and also this is a very good opportunity to the media as well to while a crisis is going on that is a competitions. References Du Pre, A.(2005) Communicating about health: current issues and perspectives (2nd Ed) Boston, M.A MC Graw Hill J, S . H . & Randolph, T.B. (2002) toward a synthesis model for crisis communication in the public sector Journal of business and technical communication Retrieved on June 13, 2013 from proquest database Stephenson D, R (1982) How to turn pit falls into opportunities in crisis situation: public relation quarterly retrieved on June 14, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cyber Crimes Essay

What are cybercrimes and what do they consist of? Cybercrimes are defined as any illegal activity that uses a computer. The justice department goes a little more in depth and describes cybercrimes as using a computer for the storage of evidence. Cybercrimes have increased over time to something more than we could have ever imagined. The internet is went into full affect in the ear of 1990 when the Arpanet officially split into two separate networks to further facilitate usage and prevent military secrets from being found so easily. This is when the basis of cybercrime first began. There are cybercriminals which exist simply because they are drawn to the information that is contained by the World Wide Web. Nowadays, cybercriminals are much harder to track as they have evolved from the basic computer geeks who merely send viruses to another computer in efforts to crash it. They are far more advanced, and seek to steal information for their own personal gain. There are several different types of cyber criminals. They include: Script kiddies; who lack the experience to hack the larger mainframe systems. However, they are capable of doing some type of damage to unsecured systems. These types of criminals are also known as â€Å"hacker wannabes†. Also are scammers who flood one’s email with false advertisement and junk mail. The send catchy subject line for gullible victims and include links in the emails that absorb information from the victims computer. â€Å"Hacker groups usually work anonymously and create tools for hacking. They often hack computers for no criminal reason and are sometimes even hired by companies wanting to test their security† (Batke, 2011). The considered highest risk of all cyber criminals are â€Å"Insiders†. â€Å"They may only be 20% of the threat, but they produce 80% of the damage. They often reside within an organization† (Batke, 2011). The fact that there are cyber criminals establishes a new set of victims which mostly include people that are lonely, gullible, and have low self-esteem. When attacking the lonely, gullible, low self-esteemed individuals, cyber criminals normally seek their prey on social networking sites. Normally, the criminals use false identities to entice the victims. One the victim is deceived, they tend to for a sense of trust and release all sorts of personal information. This is why it is always important to keep personal information completely confidential. If one is dealing with networks that require information such as full names, social security numbers, addresses, banking information or even medical records, he or she should search or specific icons or notices within the website that assures their security. A common tactic that is used by cyber criminals is called â€Å"The New Kid Ruse†. This is when the suspect created fake webpages and uses fake images to give the idea that they are someone else in efforts to divvy up the victims personal information. Once the criminal gets one small piece of information they tend to sink the hook of deception even deeper. These acts get serious. They get so serious that eventually the cybercriminal begins to threaten the victim with exploitation if he or she does not surrender to their demands; saying that the information that has already been retrieved will be set abroad to ruin the victim’s reputations if they do not comply. â€Å"The case of Christopher Patrick Gunn, 31, of Montgomery, Alabama, who was sentenced last month to 35 years in prison for producing child pornography through a massive online sextortion scheme, provides a glimpse of how modern-day confidence men are plying their trade against the most vulnerable and unsuspecting victims† (The FBI, 2013). In this particular case, Gunn lured many minors into performing lewd acts via webcam and email. He had exploited large sums of teenage girls in various states that include Mississippi and Louisiana. He even stretched this heinous activity to some teenagers in Ireland. Cybercrimes include smallest crimes you could think of and the biggest crimes imaginative. Fraud is a cybercrime people use to commit anywhere from insurance scams and identity theft. Identity theft is a crime in which a person collects vital information from someone such as their social security number in order to pretend to be someone that they are obviously not. Just this one type of cybercrime is becoming more of a problem every day. Harassment is an example of cybercrime in which I consider to be bullying. This type of crime is done without much thought or consideration of the next person. Cybercrimes also include but are not limited to cyber stalking, cyber terrorism, drug trafficking, scamming, exchanging files of copyright material, and obscene or offensive content shared over the internet.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Operations & Quality Management (Singapore Airlines) Essay

Operations & Quality Management (Singapore Airlines) - Essay Example Singapore Airlines is quite an absurdity. It is the state-run airline for a country that is basically just a city; a nation that has residents of no more than 3 million; and a country that is just 250 kms across with no domestic routes to take over. Regardless of this it has managed to regularly post profits in one of the globe's mainly returning industries. According to higher executives, SIA evidently understands the high directive placed on it by discriminating and increasingly challenging customers. This causes a severe challenge internally in terms of being the finest in all aspect and places massive stress on the leading edge staff. Such high orders and anticipations result in a need to frequently alter and evaluate everything the airline carries out. Leading management is also faced with a continuous effort to form an unvarying service that is also extremely custom-made. SIA strategies all its procedures and sub-procedures in whole, with each getting unremitting concentration for enhancement and interrupted redesign (Heracleous, Wirtz, Johnston, 2004, pp.33-38). With such an international status for service quality, bringing terrific service is a most important challenge for SIA. The key is the company's entire approach - it knows that customers are buying a total bundle of service and that all its components have to do extremely well in every way. Introduction To persist as a service leader in the airline industry SIA makes it targets to create a "wow outcome" and to often blow customers. It does this by paying attention deeply to its customers and continually making out "wow" opportunities, such as not so heavy and more nutritious and hygienic food and an e-mail service within flight. Such new plans are also designed by feedback from staff, information about several other airlines, study of complaints, claims and compliments, and main traveler surveys. SIA's detailed feedback mechanisms gather information from different sources, all of which is analyzed then. Difficulties and faults are publicized internally to the extent that is possible. Quality Customer Service Singapore Airlines (SAI) is a model of constancy. The airline can possess 3 decades of continuing achievement, even affluent during times when the industry as a totality struggled. Its assets of awards include a confounding 67 international honors in 2002 only. How has this height of success been maintained for such a long period By implanting a customer-oriented culture that permeates all the airline's dissimilar operations. Significantly, though, an understanding of the want for cost usefulness grounds client service quality. All workers share this attentiveness. Holistic teaching techniques compel the message home, as does the reality that extra benefits and other incentives are very much reliant upon earnings produced. Not astonishingly, staff at all levels negate of resources being misused. Evidently you don't remain at the peak for 30 years by standing motionless. Modernization is a must and SIA is a sharp operator where this is noticed. The company considers that all improvements have some degree of shelf life and is not scared to break up with those

Friday, September 27, 2019

Global Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Global Culture - Essay Example 77). This in itself has been the major source of various issues of contention such as the general lack of consensus surrounding certain elements of fashion. Additionally, the aspect of ethnicity also affects how we take up commodities and elements of fashion in as much the same way as that of race. It is worth noting that while race is defined by the physical features that characterize us such as skin color, type of hair, or general physique, ethnicity is more of the traditions, beliefs, and customs that are associated with a given group of people (Karner 2007, p. 192). As such, it is much easier to alter our traditions and adopt a fairly different ethnicity from our own. This is not possible for the element of race, as race is basically attached to the biological and genetic orientations of our existence. In consideration of these, race and ethnicity are generally tied to fashion with an underlying indifference on the aspects of egalitarianism and impartiality as segments of the fas hion world tend to advance. The contemporary society is always expanding with each subsequent year, as defined by population increase in almost all aspects. This results in numerous individuals each with their own traditions and beliefs regarding the various elements of human life. Additionally, the liberalism of the current society makes it much easier for people to move around and intermingle with different individuals from varying ethnic and racial orientations. This has the overall effect that there are virtually unlimited number of idealizations that can define the exact thoughts that people have on issues of core interest to the human race (Prewett 2013, p. 101). One of these aspects is fashion, which is very much alive courtesy of the multi-billion dollar industry depicted by the high fashion world. The high stakes of the fashion industry mean that any form of idealization that may not conform to the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Communication Process Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Communication Process Model - Essay Example In this scenario, nurse is the receiver of the message. The receiver obtains the message and understands the message according to his or her perception. The process of understanding the message is decoding, decoding of the message has taken place in this scenario but the receiver has not been able to understand the actual meaning of the message. The desired meaning of the message was that the patient has to take prescribed pills for three times a day, with an interval of four to six hours; the patient has to consume pills with food. The nurse interpreted the message in a different manner; the nurse perceived that the patient had to take one of the pills, each time he consumed food. Message is data dispatched by an individual (sender) and received by another individual (receiver). In this case, message was the directions of medicine consumption. Communication process fails if the message is misunderstood. Channel is the route selected by the sender to send the message. In this case, channel was patient record. Feedback is the response given to the sender by the receiver. Feedback helps the sender analyze whether the recipient has deduced the desired meaning of the message. Feedback can be vocal or non-vocal responses; in this case, feedback is the direction that patient follows to take his medication. This feedback will inform the sender (physician), that the message was not properly decoded. Obstacles are barriers of effective communication. In this case, obstacle was the perception of the receiver. The receiver could not perceive the actual meaning of the message, and the communication process failed. The patient has clearly misinterpreted the message because the nurse failed to interpret the original meaning of the message. The consequence of this misinterpretation is over dosage of medication. The patient might end up consuming the medication more than prescribed by the physicians; he might

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Best Buy business problem and technology solution Essay

Best Buy business problem and technology solution - Essay Example This paper also details technological solutions to enable and to augment the proposed business solutions to get Best Buy back on its feet financially and strategically. These technological solutions are the use of an ERP system or the enhancement of the existing ERP system to make the supply chain more efficient; and the use of data analytics to better understand buyer behavior and preferences (Crosby, 2014; McIntyre, 2014; Zacks Equity Research, 2014; Google, 2014). Best Buy is a retailer of electronics products for consumers, products for computing and for cellular communications, related products for entertainment, home appliances, and the services that are tied to their merchandise. Best Buy is a multinational concern. Aside from owning physical retail outlets spread out in its key geographic markets, Best Buy also has several web properties as well as call centers. Its e-commerce platforms include The Phone House, Future Shop, Magnolia Audio Video, Geek Squad, Pacific Sales, Best Buy Mobile, Five Star, The Carphone Warehouse, and Best Buy. The company divides its operations as a multinational between the United States market on the one hand, and the international market on the other, with the latter made up of its combined operations in Mexico, Europe, China and Canada. In these different latter markets Best Buy employs different subsets its stable of brands. For instance, in China, Best Buy makes use of its Five Star Brand, while in Europe Best Buy has traction as The Carphone Warehouse, Geek Squad, and The Phone House. The US market is comprised of six product segments or categories, namely mobile telephony and computing, services, electronics for consumers, the appliances segment, entertainment products segment, and the others segment. The entertainment division offerings include digital downloads of media, as well as DVD and CD sales, together with Bluray sales. Services include after sales and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Jose Clemente Orozco's Zapatistas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jose Clemente Orozco's Zapatistas - Essay Example One can see that interpretation helps a viewer to perceive an artwork from a different angle of view. The artwork consists of different figures (animate and inorganic) in different sizes. To be specific, the rocks and hill in the artwork is symbolic of inorganic objects in different sizes. On the other side, the horses and human figures represent life in different sizes. These objects/figures in different sizes provide proper balancing to the artwork. The upright, parallel, and slanting lines indebted to the figures provide proper rhythm to the artwork as a whole. To be specific, the swords, caps, and dress in the artwork results in wave like rhythm in the artwork. Besides, the painter is deeply interested in the usage of contrasting colors in the artwork. The different shades of dark brown, blue, and yellow are used in the artwork. This is helpful to project the focal point (armed soldiers, captured revolutionaries, and women) as the central figure. In my opinion, the artwork is sym bolic of the artist’s view of human life. The artist considers that vegetative life without intellectual development is wastrel. In addition, one must be ever ready to protect one’s individual rights. Still, the painting portrays how dictators can crush the self-confidence of the mass. Beyond the artistic elements, I like this artwork because the same is symbolic of the social responsibility of art. Summing, Orozco’s artwork is symbolic of the influence of art, which can be used as an innovative medium for social criticism.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Press and Presidential Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Press and Presidential Politics - Essay Example With an indication of a descriptively "too close to call" presidential election according to a majority of opinion polls, focus shifted on the effect of a tiny fraction of the voters conceivably vital for both camps: the undecided electorates. Evident from the strategic positioning of both candidates in the final stretch, these were indeed the folks with the power to ether re-elect President Barack Obama or to elevate former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney to the highest office on the hill. From the oscillating manner of polls up to the very last minutes, there was no doubt whatsoever that the key to unlock the answer to the United States’ stewardship over the next four years was firmly in the hands of these â€Å"special voters†. The question, however, was how to these groups could possibly be REACHED. This paper analyses the effectiveness of New York Times’ and the Wall Street Journal’s news coverage with regard to how explicit they were in informing the undecided voters about the candidates and what they stood for over the final 10 days of the 2012 presidential campaign. From the beginning, the two camps projected different theories of the race to the public—from Romney, the 2012 election was precisely a referendum on Obama’s unpopular administrative style; to Obama, it was all about comparative choice between slipping back to extreme conservatism, which was rather unpalatable to women and the young elite, and moving forward with the regime’s reform agenda. Surprisingly enough, the 2012 election was about arguments advanced by both sides, and the message appeared to have sunk well on both camps in the final days: a challenger seeking to oust an incumbent making a case for himself and the incumbent seeking to convince voters that the alternative would be much worse. Contrary to the 2008’s message of hope that attracted comparatively much enthusiasm and support, Obama found himself in the traditional p osture of an incumbent under siege—a wiser fighter with experience, not the hitherto conciliator. With the polls oscillating between a possible tie and a negligible win with an error of a striking distance for both candidates, the undecided voters became a fertile ground for both camps to make their final appeals. The "undecided voter" was no longer unavoidable in the final days’ coverage of the campaign preceding the 2012 US presidential election with both candidates fashioning their appeals to woo a winning support on their sides. Avowedly, there were high odds that the undecided women and young elites in general, probably without jobs, will waffle before cameras when confronted with a very simple, but hitherto difficult, straightforward question: Whom will you vote for on the November 6th?  Although the exact number and place of residence of the "uncommitted voter" population were rather unknown, a single type of voter, presented by a diverse number of news outlet s as comprising of young, lightly educated, lower income and white women, was enough representation of the electorates "on the fence" whose influence could not be taken for granted. Noteworthy, the demographics mentioned herein is not inclusive and conceivably overlooks a huge number unsure of which candidate they

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mathmatics in our world Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mathmatics in our world - Term Paper Example This means that the likelihood of errors occurring would increase. This technique allows you to solve for the zeros of the quadratic equation much easier and simpler than other methods. There are many different equations and mathematical sequences, which have been discovered by mathematicians that yield intriguing properties. For example, the Fibonacci sequence and the Mandelbrot set are famous mathematical constructs dealing with patterns of number that have a specific set of problems. Euler, another famous mathematician, came up with an equation that gives prime numbers: x2-x-41. In this problem, it is useful to try and find descriptive data in order to see the pattern in the quadratic as a model of predictability. In the case of the data that was used, all were prime numbers. Therefore, in order to see if it was possible to solve for a composite using Euler’s formula, it shows that the answer is non-real. Assumptions and restrictions are used everyday in real world modeling, such as in finance and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Role of the Church in Society Essay Example for Free

The Role of the Church in Society Essay The role of the church in today’s society has been undervalued, misrepresented, and ineffectively communicated. There are many churches in the United States alone that possess a great deal of resources. Some churches are full of multimillionaires and others with six-figure incomes. However, they have too much, are doing too little, and when something is done it is too late. Those who call themselves Christians and that possess an excess of wealth are called to have that wealth. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy and affluent. It is truly a blessing to have more than enough. The problem with those who are wealth is that they are oppressing the poor. Of course those who are not of the faith can be expected to care less about those who are in need. However, those who are Christian, and not just claiming to be, must in the words of the Nesquik rabbit â€Å"share the wealth. † It is more than okay to have nice things and a nice home. It is even okay to have servants such as butlers and maids. When the wealth of a Christian becomes an affair for them and they neglect the need that is plainly in view, it becomes a problem. I do not mean to say just throw money at the problem. However, to not share your finances in a way that is pleasing to the lord is sin. In James it says â€Å"†¦to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. † When a wealthy Christian redistributes his or her wealth he or she ministers to God and receives favor from both God and man. The wealthy also have a near unlimited amount of political influence. Their political influence is not just in the capacity of a lobby, but often the wealthy are personally or mutually connected with mayors, governors, senators, and the like. With the resources they possess there is an unlimited amount of good that they can do. They can break down the strong holds of evil that claim lives by way of violence, drugs, gangs, and poverty. They must also be willing to live among the poor and not separate themselves by living in suburbs or in high rises that overlook the sea of misfortune. On the other hand, there are churches that have members that do not possess an excess of financial wealth. However, they still possess a great deal of spiritual gifts and a wealth of knowledge that the old and young have acquired throughout their experiences. Many churches that do not have wealthy members still have members who possess some amount of affluence. Those same churches are also filled with knowledge, wisdom, and love that can be used to break the same strongholds mentioned above that the devil likes to employ so enthusiastically. For instance, there are people in my church who have been to college, who have are counselors or therapist, there are teachers, I would even venture to say there exist some incredibly brilliant people in my church. With those resources, a church can be considered just as wealthy as a church full of millionaires. I know a slew of students who are high school aged, that do not possess the ability to read and write effectively. Education is certainly power and more importantly, the three Rs reading, writing, and arithmetic, are the most powerful components of education. A church that has members who can navigate the three Rs ought to be sharing the wealth of that ability. By sharing that wealth, those who do not have the ability to navigate the three Rs can acquire it. Then they can do likewise and help others become more educated. Education is one of the main reasons for poverty in this country and even throughout the world. If you are educated, you can figure things out and you are able to improvise when certain dilemmas take place. Another component of wealth is the experience of overcoming tragedy, adversity, and overcoming or being content with one’s socioeconomic status. That is probably the most significant component of wealth that those in a poor church possess. The Minor Prophets were blessed with a unique calling. That calling was to be the voice of those who did not have a voice. Throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament, there are two recurring themes. The first them is to love God with all your heart, your soul, and your strength. The second is to love thy neighbor as thyself. The twelve Minor Prophets were called to tell Israel about itself in regards to not complying with those two major themes. Each of the twelve Minor Prophets addressed Israel with God’s displeasure. God was extremely displeased with them because Israel would often take on the idols of the nation that God allowed them to overcome. Israel would also begin to take part in some of those nation’s undesired cultural traditions and practices. The Minor Prophets also addressed Israel’s oppression of the poor and disenfranchised. Israel was guilty of being unkind and being harsh towards the poor. All of Israel was judged according to their action and inaction regarding God’s law and their mistreatment of the poor.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Marxist and Functionalist theories of class and inequality

Marxist and Functionalist theories of class and inequality CLASS AND STRATIFICATION ‘Marx believed that our society was in a state of continual conflict between the working class and upper class; evaluate the Marxist theory of social class using Functionalism and Postmodernism theories of class’. Compare and contrast Marxist and functionalist explanations of class and inequality. There are several sociological perspectives and they all have different ideas and theories about class and inequality, including Marxist (Karl Marx a conflict theory) and Functionalist (Emile Durkheim, Robert Merton a structural consensus theory). In this essay I will show the different theories of social class from these two perspectives. I will then conclude by evaluating the Postmodernist view of social class. Marxism was introduced by Karl Marx (1818-1883). Karl Marx believed that society was divided into two classes, the Bourgeoisie (ruling class) and the Proletariats (lower/working class) (Burton, 2013). He believed that that the bourgeoisie exploited and oppressed the proletariat. Marx followed the structural conflict perspective and believed that institutions such as education, the media and the law are used by the bourgeoisie as a way to define and influence social class (Marx, 1818 cited in Blunden, 2013). Marx also believed that Capitalism would lead to polarisation of the two classes with the rich getting richer while the poor get poorer. This polarisation makes it harder for the poorer classes to achieve in life as well as achieving social mobility. He believed that as the capitalist society advanced the small business owners would be absorbed by the bourgeoisie and multinational companies. Marx wanted the proletariat to overthrow the capitalist society of the bourgeoisie and hop ed for a classless society where wealth and profit was divided equally (Anon, n.da). There has been much criticism on Marx’s theory of social class the first being that this theory is much too simplistic in that society cannot be based on only two different classes. In a modern society class is not as simple as Marx claimed it was and the communist society that Marx wished for has been tried and failed, Russia is a prime example of this. In addition there are many other divisions within societies that Marx did not consider, such as age, race, gender etc. Another major criticism is that Marx’s idea if monopolization has not come to fruition as although there are many large national companies there are also many small businesses as well despite the process of polarisation still occurring in some areas (Anon, n.da). The Marxist theory of class, although it does hold some valid theories, is flawed in that in a modern society there are many processes in place to ensure that workers are not exploited, such as unions and fair wages laws. Also in a modern socie ty conflict within the workplace is rare as those who are unhappy do have the option to improve and move up or down positions, so this would suggest social mobility is possible (Anon, n.da). Functionalism was introduced by Emile Durkheim (1858-1917). The main principle of functionalism is that each part of a society is interdependent and contributes towards making society work as a whole. Each of these parts has to be working correctly but if something does go wrong then society has mechanisms to deal with them, such as the police and the legal system. Functionalists also believe that every social institution has many important functions to perform (Durkheim, 1858 cited in Burton, 2013). Therefore stratification is necessary for every society as it helps to maintain social order and stability if every part knows its role (Davis Moore, 1945 cited in Anon, n.d). Durkheim introduced the theory ‘anomie’, or ‘lack of social norms’, that could cause instability or chaos. This concept bought to light many instances that could affect a society in a negative way and especially the behaviour of individuals towards one another (Emile Durkheim org, 2013). Another concept put forward by Durkheim â€Å"the sum of all of its parts is larger than the whole†, defined at the introduction of the structural/functionalist theory, is as relevant today as it was when first introduced (Gamble, 2008). There has been much criticism on the functionalist explanation of class, the first being that many of the vital jobs in modern society are not necessarily rewarded with high status or income, this is in total contrast to the functionalist belief that those vital jobs should be rewarded as so. Another big criticism of this approach is that it does not take into account individual differences, in that individuals can make an impact within an institution rather than the institution impacting the individual (Anon, n.da). This theory, much like the Marxist theory, is simplistic in the idea that all of society accept class inequality and that this inequality is inevitable for society. Postmodernists claim that society has moved on since the modern period and this has been caused by globalisation, the reduction of the power of the nation state, economic changes, fragmented social classes, and relativism, a way of looking at the world that includes every theory as valid. As societies change on a daily basis there are more and more claims that social class is becoming less significant and no longer a useful tool to measure societies by and some suggest that it is only deficient culture that keeps people in what would be called the lower classes (Burton, 2013). Postmodernist theories suggest that an individual’s choice of goods, such as supermarket choices, and lifestyle activities is now a much more important indicator of an individual’s identity. This identity is then what creates a person’s politics, sexuality and family structure etc. (Education Forum, n.d). This would then suggest that a postmodern society is defined by diversity and choice rather than social class. Within the postmodernist theory there is the emphasis on the extent to which family diversity is changing, the decline in the ‘normal’ two parent two children families, the growth of single parent families, cohabitation, gay marriage and increasing ethnic diversity. They say there is no longer a fixed family norm that people can refer to (Education Forum, n.d). As society is much more diverse than it was many years ago class is no longer relevant. This perspective believes that there cannot be a single theoretical explanation of society, whether by individual parts or as a whole, as society only exists as a reassuring entity. They argue that in a modern society the mass media plays a huge influential role in creating the image of what a society should be. Postmodernists Lyotard and Baudrillard believe that theories such as Marxism and Functionalism are ‘meta-narratives’ or ‘grand-narratives,’ meaning they both elaborate that society is under con trol, and it can be seen in some places that this is not the case (lyotard Baudrillard, n.d cited in Anon, n.db). References Anon. (n.d) Structure for all Essays [online]. Available from:,d.ZWUcad=rja [Accessed on: 13th April 2014]. Anon. (n.db) Evaluate Post-Modernist Views on Inequality and Difference. Essay [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 3rd April 2014]. Blundon, A. (2013) Marxism [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Burton, J. (2013a) Class and Stratification [Class Hand-out]. Access to Social Science: Class and Stratification, Northampton College. 1st April 2014. Burton, J. (2013b) Sociological Perspectives [PowerPoint Presentation]. Access to Social Science: Introduction to Sociological Theory [online via internal VLE], Northampton College. Available from: [Accessed: 1st April 2014]. Education Forum (n.d) Evaluate the postmodernist contribution to our understanding of society today [online]. Available from:,d.ZWUcad=rja [Accessed on: 3rd April 2014]. Emile Durkheim Org. (2013) Emile Durkheim: Father of Sociology [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 13th April 2014]. Gamble, L. (2008) How Emile Durkheim’s Principles of Sociology Have Impacted Society [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 14th April 2014]. Grossman, A. (2013) Robert Merton [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 14th April 2014]. Jain, H. (n.d) What are the Differences between Functionalism Marxism? [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Shu-Yee, C. (2012) AS LEVEL: Functionalist VS Marxist [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Trueman, C. (n.d) Sociological Theories [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Bibliography Anon. (n.d) A simple guide to Post Modernism [online]. Available from: simple guide to Post Modernism.pdf [Accessed on: 1st April 2014]. Anon. (n.d) Compare and Contrast Functionalist and Marxist Theories of Stratification [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Anon. (2012) Assess the Functionalist and Marxist view of society [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Anon. (n.d) Topic 3: Social Class and Cultural Identity [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 3rd April 2014]. Ask.Com. (n.d) What is Postmodernism in Sociology? [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 1st April 2014]. Devine, F. (1997) Social Class in America and Britain [online]. Edinburgh: University Press. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Heilbroner, R. (n.d) The Worldly Philosophers Summary and Analysis Chapter 6 – The Inexorable System of Karl Marx [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 3rd April 2014]. History Learning Site. (n.d) Marxist Concepts [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 3rd April 2014]. Horky, A. (n.d) Differences Similarities in Functionalism Marxism [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Klages, M. (2012) Postmodernism [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 1st April 2014]. McGraw. (n.d) Structuralism, Post structuralism, and the Emergence of Postmodern Social Theory [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 1st April 2014]. S-cool. (n.d) Post-Modernism [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 1st April 2014]. Simple Wikipedia. (2014) Postmodernism [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 1st April 2014]. Sociology Twynham. (2008) Differences between Functionalist and Marxist perspectives on education are: [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Sociology Twynham. (2008) What is the difference between Functionalists, Marxists and Feminists? (AS level answer) [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. The Student Room. (n.d) What is the ‘postmodernism’ perspective in sociology? [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 1st April 2014]. Trainer, T. (n.d) Marxist Theory; A brief Introduction [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014]. Wikipedia. (2014) Postmodernism [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 1st April 2014]. Xlauren61x1. (2012) Functionalism and Marxism: Sociological Perspectives [online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 2nd April 2014].

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Our Economy Essay -- essays papers

Our economy Their season opened in Boston, against a young Celtics team that had listened to 80-year-old Red Auerbach. "David Stern's name is on the basketball," Auerbach had said. "Not Michael Jordan's." That evening, Celtics TV analyst Tom Heinsohn made sure his audience knew who Jordan is not. "He's not God," Heinsohn said. "Everybody treats him like a messiah or something. He isn't." If it seems odd, at this point, for so many to be confused about Michael Jordan's identity, it's only because Jordan makes it confusing. He does not own the Bulls, and he isn't general manager, but as sure as they lost their opener to the Celtics and as sure as they drifted through the first two months of the season, he is the guy who built this team, for better or worse. Shortly after the Bulls defeated the Jazz in the NBA Finals last spring, Jordan said, "We deserve a chance (to win a sixth title)." Much of what has followed is a consequence of Jordan's desire, ambition and power. Phil Jackson is coach, Scottie Pippen is still a part of the team, albeit disgruntled, and Dennis Rodman is back in Chicago, thanks to Jordan. The power to shape a basketball team, not just any team, but the defending NBA champions, winners of five titles in seven years, is impressive power, indeed. This is one reason Jordan, 34, is The Sporting News' Most Powerful Person in Sports for 1997. Here's another: Jim Jannard, chairman and president of Oakley, Inc., welcomed a new director, Bill Schmidt, onto his board this week. California-based Oakley manufactures high-tech sunglasses at a state-of-the-art Orange County factory. Schmidt is executive vice president of Quaker Oats-Gatorade, creator of the successful "Be Like Mike'' ad campaign in which Gatorade and the basketball superstar beckon thirsty consumers. Jannard and Schmidt were introduced by Jordan, an Oakley director who is developing an inside game-soaring high above boardrooms-to complement his outside shot as a marketing superstar. The cross-pollination of Oakley and Gatorade, Jannard and Schmidt, is a reflection of Jordan's power outside the game, just as his shaping of the Bulls reflects it within. He becomes the first No. 1 who started as an athlete before veering into business and media. Previous No. 1s-Laurence Tisch (1990), David Stern (1991), Phil Knight (1992), Ted ... Jordan and Jackson valued his toughness. A key big man from the '97 playoffs, Brian Williams, was lost because of the cap. As the Bulls limp toward January, Pippen still is sidelined because of foot surgery, and he demands to be traded. Rodman plays lethargically. Jackson's zen is on the blink. Only Jordan, averaging a league-leading 26.8 points, stands between the club and humiliation. In business, as with the Bulls, he has the power to be who he is, to call his shots, to control his image. A bold display of Jordan's power occurred this year when two companies he represents, Nike and Oakley, collided over use of his image. Jordan has been with Nike since 1984; he earns $15 million to $20 million a year from the $9 billion behemoth. He has been with Oakley since 1995; he earns about $500,000 a year plus stock equity from the $220 million upstart. An Oakley print ad featured Jordan wearing Oakley sunglasses as well as an Oakley beret. Nike sued Oakley, claiming its contract with Jordan requires he wear Nike apparel in all of his ads. Jordan says he wore the Oakley beret because he believed at the time his deal with Nike encompassed only athletic equipment.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Migrating: The Machine in the Garden :: Four Freedoms Roosevelt Essays

Migrating: The Machine in the Garden On January 6, 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed Congress with a speech outlining the four freedoms that every American should have. In context, one must realize that this was before World War II - before the attack on Pearl Harbor that would occur in December of that year. His speech said that as Americans, we each should expect to have by right - freedom of speech; freedom to worship God in any way we choose; freedom from want - that is, the necessities of life such as food and shelter; and freedom from fear. The speech so moved artist Norman Rockwell that he went on to paint his famous series known as the "Four Freedoms." Rockwell's paintings would later be used to help in the war effort by advertising the sale of war bonds. The rhetoric of the day made Americans feel a responsibility to his or her country. When war broke, Americans were eager to help. Many left the comfort of their parents' homes to fight in the war effort. They left with the images of Rockwell and words of FDR fresh in their minds. In 1945, nine million American servicemen and women came home from war. No longer were they children - living in their parents' home - but young men and women eager to build their lives. Between 1946 and 1964 over seventy-six million baby boomers were born. There was a tremendous need for housing. People such as William Levitt understood that need. In 1947, he broke ground on the first of three towns he would build. He bought one thousand acres of potato farms on New York's Long Island and started building. Eventually he built 17,000 affordable homes in what became known as Levittown, New York. "The Rancher - A New House in Levittown - Special Introductory Price - $8,990 - $57 a month! No cash required from veterans!" Photo borrowed from Levittown, 2002. Levittown was the beginning of the mass migration to the suburbs, however, the idea dates to the 1930's with Roosevelt's "New Deal in the Suburbs" (Christensen, 1986, p. 72). The Greenbelt Program was designed to develop urban areas into garden cities. Not only would this model program show that a city could develop urban planning to incorporate ideals and alleviate housing problems of the day, but would translate into much needed jobs.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay -- Essays Papers

Of Mice and Men Similarities and Differences Between George and Lennie John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men concerns and unlikely couple who travel about the country searching for work. Throughout the novel, characteristics of important people are similar yet different. George Milton and Lennie Small are two characters that have many differences physically, but many similarities mentally. Initially, George Milton is a kind, short and trustworthy companion of Lennie. George travels with Lennie and helps him to survive although Lennie is more of a burden than a help. Before Aunt Clara dies, she places the trust of her only relative in the hands of George. George protects Lennie in many parts of the story by creating a reason for Leenie not to leave, such as; â€Å" Somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself† (13). George often insults Lennie and â€Å"gives him hell† (87) but he doesn’t really mean it. Although he often talks about how much better off he could be without Lennie, George secretly relies on Lennie. When Lennie offers to leave, George virtually pleads with him to stay by saying, â€Å"I was jus’ foolin’† (13) This is because George depends on Lennie to a certain extent for his unconditional friendship. George has two important characteristics which are pointed out within the novel. His friendl iness is immediately present as he makes friends with Candy, Carlson, Slim, and the other ranch hands. George is also intelligent . He expresses his desire to be diff... John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men Essay -- Essays Papers Of Mice and Men Similarities and Differences Between George and Lennie John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men concerns and unlikely couple who travel about the country searching for work. Throughout the novel, characteristics of important people are similar yet different. George Milton and Lennie Small are two characters that have many differences physically, but many similarities mentally. Initially, George Milton is a kind, short and trustworthy companion of Lennie. George travels with Lennie and helps him to survive although Lennie is more of a burden than a help. Before Aunt Clara dies, she places the trust of her only relative in the hands of George. George protects Lennie in many parts of the story by creating a reason for Leenie not to leave, such as; â€Å" Somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself† (13). George often insults Lennie and â€Å"gives him hell† (87) but he doesn’t really mean it. Although he often talks about how much better off he could be without Lennie, George secretly relies on Lennie. When Lennie offers to leave, George virtually pleads with him to stay by saying, â€Å"I was jus’ foolin’† (13) This is because George depends on Lennie to a certain extent for his unconditional friendship. George has two important characteristics which are pointed out within the novel. His friendl iness is immediately present as he makes friends with Candy, Carlson, Slim, and the other ranch hands. George is also intelligent . He expresses his desire to be diff...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Racism in America and the Struggle for Equal Opportunity Essay

Racism has caused drastic damage over the years and continues to cause major problems in today’s society. Racism is discrimination or prejudice based on race or ethnicity. Racism manifests in many different ways including negative thoughts and racial slurs. Racism includes not only these morsels of spite, but also abusive behavior and severe discrimination. This severe discrimination affects people’s families, livelihood, and ability to succeed. Although racism has not been completely abolished, the United States has made some progress as a country to improve race relations. The U.S. is no longer having civil wars over slavery and more people of color are gaining access to high paying, more important, and powerful positions. While one may acknowledge that racism has improved immensely from Civil War times, they must also comprehend that there is much more work to be done in America to improve our relations amongst races so that the playing field is leveled for everybody. The ultimate goal is to have equal opportunity amongst all races and ethnicities. There is still institutional racism where it makes it difficult for people of color to advance. For example, people of color are underrepresented in the U.S. Congress, on Wall Street, and in leading large companies and organizations. To reach this ultimate goal of equal opportunity, people must be able recognize their own prejudices. Many individuals subconsciously have prejudices against others who are different from them in some way. Once people can acknowledge their own prejudices, only then can a society began to change people’s hearts and minds.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Significance of Personality Development for a Student

Recently, a student approached me seeking help to resolve his personal problems. He was finding it difficult to concentrate during classes and scoring even pass marks in the exams had become a herculean task. A casual enquiry revealed that he was almost starving and severely malnutritioned because of his dislike for the hostel mess food. He would skip breakfast, eat sparingly at night and satisfy his appetite instead at the night canteen with coffee and noodles. This case is not very different from the stories of hundreds of students I have had the opportunity to counsel in the past six years. I have always noticed that most of the students’ academic problems can be traced to imbalances in the personal lifestyle which is often taken for granted. Many parents and teachers fail to make this simple connection and also to impress upon students the need for a balanced lifestyle. Indian society and the education system must veer away from the obsessive focus on marks & ranks, if we want to unleash the full potential of our youth and allow them to grow in a more natural way, pursuing their inborn talents and interests. A host of common behavioural problems noticed in kids and adolescents can be prevented or cured if a foundation is laid at an early age towards holistic personality development. Multiple Intelligence In this article, I will make use of the concept of Multiple Intelligence developed by Dr. Howard Gardner[i], Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Dr. Gardner talks of different aspects of intelligence possessed by every human being and why it is important to develop each one of them to achieve a balanced personality. I will also attempt to illustrate how Indian tradition has always emphasized on such all round growth of the human being through the knowledge systems like yoga, ayurveda; through schools of philosophy & spirituality like the darsanas or vedangas and even through classical art forms like music or dance. Physical Intelligence Lack of regular physical activity and regime is perhaps the biggest epidemic afflicting the students in India today. The rat race for marks and ranks leaves little time or motivation for the average student to go out and spend some time at the gymnasium or in the playground. The university campus where I reside has a massive playground, a well-equipped gym, a basketball court, a tennis court and to top it all, one of the biggest swimming pools in South India. And yet, hardly 500 students come out to play or exercise every day, out of the 5,000 strong student community on this campus. No wonder then that a majority of the students who approach me with problems of poor concentration, motivation in studies are those who belong to the couch potato category. Had Swami Vivekananda been with us today, he would have declared again what he told that group of emasculated youngsters who approached him with a request to learn the Bhagavad Gita under his guidance: â€Å"You will be nearer to heaven through football than by reading the Gita. † But there is a significant positive trend happening in schools and colleges across India. Just as the number of obese and overweight kids is on the rise, so is there a growing interest in systems of yoga. What better proof of this than the fact that the mainstream political class in Tamilnadu which takes pride usually in hating everything that is rooted in Hindu tradition, has been instrumental in making yoga compulsory across all schools in the state! Or consider for example the experience of the Vivekananda Kendra in popularizing Surya Namaskara amongst schools all over India, particularly in Madhya Pradesh. Students who have attended the Yoga Vargas or the Samskara Vargas conducted by the Kendra vouch for the marked transformation in personality that the regular practice Surya Namaskara has effected in them. There is palpable strengthening of will power and confidence in these students. Parents and Schools should therefore reconsider the unhealthy trade off which they ask students to make between the time given to physical activities and studies. Linguistic Intelligence Even a cursory look at the placement scenario in professional colleges makes it amply clear that all corporations today emphasize the need for good communication skills and they prefer recruits with better communication skills in English. Communication skill has a great impact on our interpersonal relationships. A person who can communicate effectively and clearly is less likely to create communication gaps which lead to serious misunderstandings. Good communication skills and proficiency in many languages improves one’s reach amongst peers and enhances one’s social acceptance and prestige. It is an interesting fact that great spiritual leaders like Swami Vivekananda were masters of the art of communication. India’s rich literary and oral heritage is yet another illustration of this point; our forefathers understood the significance of developing linguistic intelligence. Musical Intelligence The study and practice of music was considered as a sacred form of worship in Indian tradition – Naadopasana. Perhaps, music is the most beautiful facet of human civilization. Sri Ramakrishna was particularly fond of Swami Vivekananda’s melodious voice and his soulful singing. Sri Ramakrishna would attain Samadhi on listening to devotional music. I often come across students who are addicted to music. Many of them turn out to be class toppers! They listen to their favourite music even the night before their semester exams! We do not need an expert in music therapy to tell us this obvious fact that music not only relaxes the mind but also brings about far reaching physiological and neurological changes in the body-mind complex over a period of time. Interpersonal Intelligence How do you measure a person’s level of emotional maturity and growth? Primarily by the way he conducts himself in civilized society and the treatment he accords to others. Corporations today emphasize again on relationship skills which are considered critically important for an individual to rise in the hierarchy of the organization. A CEO with poor relationship skills is either a non-existent oxymoron or a disaster for the organization. All religious values are centred on building relationship skills on the basis of a spiritual understanding of what connects one human being to another. â€Å"The essence of religion is to be good and do good to others,† said Swami Vivekananda. The Mahabharata declares Ahimsa to be the greatest dharma because the rishis perceived that all life is interconnected. You cannot harm others without harming yourself. If this profound truth is impressed upon our students from a young age, there will not be much need for all the fuss we hear about value education today. Many social or national evils like corruption or caste discrimination are results of a lifestyle that seeks personal aggrandisement at the cost of and complete indifference to the plight of our fellow human beings. If only our education gives greater weightage to building relationship skills amongst students, the India of our dreams would not have to wait for the year 2020. Intrapersonal Intelligence Conventional psychology would look down upon an introvert as a person with poor relationship skills. Not today. Howard Gardner and new schools of thought have begun to understand the reason why Indians give such respect to Munis and Yogis who withdraw from the world. An introvert who spends much time trying to understand his deeper self will also become capable of understanding others from a compassionate viewpoint. Intrapersonal Intelligence is the new marker developed to give due weightage to this important aspect of our personality development and grooming. A person who runs away from his own self all the while trying to substitute his inner vacuum with external pursuits or superficial relationships is heading for a crisis. The extrovert’s sense of identity and esteem is highly dependent on others’ views of his personality. An introvert is a person who is striving to arrive at a state where he can feel good or be content without having to seek an external confirmation of his well-being. Logical Mathematical Intelligence (IQ) Development of Logical Mathematical Intelligence is often given disproportional weightage in the development of a student’s personality. While IQ does play a significant role in the life of every human being, what was perhaps overlooked till recently was that IQ alone does not make a person complete nor is it the only parameter for measuring a person’s potential for success or happiness in life. A person with a poor IQ may be more than compensated by a high emotional intelligence. This is the reason why we see many school dropouts becoming highly successful entrepreneurs in India where as many IIM graduates disappear into oblivion after getting an MBA degree! Conclusion We know through Swami Vivekananda’s writings that he considered two things to be of great importance in personality development: a) Preference to the ‘Heart’ over the ‘Head’ b) The role of the Guru in shaping a student’s personality and the importance of living in the proximity of the Guru or Gurugrihavasa. Swamiji’s views based on Vedantic wisdom have stood the test of time. All that is destructive in human civilization is a result of a sharp brain with an undeveloped heart. Human civilization suffers from an excess of materialistic IQ devoid of EQ and SQ. And the only place where a student can be systematically trained to nurture his EQ & SQ is at the gurukula under the supervision of a wise master. As a teacher, perhaps it would be self-righteous on my part to claim that a teacher plays the most vital role in a student’s personal growth. But, as a student of the school of life, I cannot but reiterate this eternal law – only a spark can ignite another spark, only life can inspire another life. Modern schools of thought like the Multiple Intelligence model discussed here further validate the wisdom that Vedantic knowledge and tradition have bequeathed to us through Atmavidya and the Guru parampara. (The author is Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Cultural Education Programme at Amrita University in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. He is a Trustee of the International Forum for India’s Heritage and Resource Person for the Human Excellence Project of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Coimbatore Kendra. He is also a students’ counsellor for the Samvedna Helpline, a project of the corporate social responsibility wing of Tata Teleservices. )

Controversial Issue in the It Field Essay

The problem is that people don’t really know or think there is a difference between network administrator and system administrator. Just because they have administrator in the name does not mean they do the same thing. When u go to school u have to pick one or the other because one degree is not going to get u a job in both fields. Network Administrator: A member of a staff or group of a staff who have the responsibility for the smooth functioning of a large network. They carry out a number of functions: defining and enforcing security policies, specifying routing policies, accounting for system resources on the network and ensuring that they are efficiently used, responding to hardware and systems errors, and administering any connections to external networks such as the Internet. Sometimes the termSystem Administrator is used to describe a network administrator although this may be someone who administers a small network where many of the network functions tend to be trivial. Skills needed to become a systems administrator: The subject matter of systems administration includes computer systems and the ways people use them in an organization. This entails knowledge of operating systems and applications, as well as hardware and software troubleshooting, but also knowledge of the purposes for which people in the organization use the computers. However, perhaps the most important skill to a system administrator is problem solving frequently under various sorts of constraints and stress. The sysadmin is on call when a computer system goes down or malfunctions, and must be able to quickly and correctly diagnose what is wrong and how best to fix it. System administrators are not software engineers or developers. It is not usually within their duties to design or write new applications software. However, sysadmins must understand the behavior of software in order to deploy it and to troubleshoot problems, and generally know several programming languages used for scripting or automation of routine tasks. Particularly when dealing with Internet-facing or business-critical systems, a sysadmin must have a strong grasp of computer security. This includes not merely deploying software patches, but also preventing break-ins and other security problems with preventive measures. In some organizations, computer security administration is a separate role responsible for overall security and the upkeep of firewalls and intrusion detection systems, but all sysadmins are generally responsible for the security of the systems in their keep Analyzing systems logs and identifying potential issues with computer systems. Introducing and integrating new technologies into existing data centers environments. Performing routine audits of systems and software. Performing regular backups of computers and servers. Applying the operating system updates, patches, and configuration changes. Installing and configuring new hardware and software. Adding, removing, or updating user accounts information, resetting user Passwords, etc. Answering technical queries. Responsibility for security of the information traveling on the netwoek. Responsibility for documenting the configuration of the system. Troubleshooting any reported problems. System performance evaluations. Ensuring that the network infrastructure is up and running. In larger organizations, some tasks listed above may be divided among different system administrators or members of different organizational groups. For example, a dedicated individual(s) may apply all system upgrades, a Quality Assurance (QA) team may perform testing and validation, and one or more technical writers may be responsible for all technical documentation written for a company. In smaller organizations, IT/computing specialties are less often discerned in detail, and the term system administrator is used in a rather generic way they are the people who know how the computer systems work and can respond when something fails.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bringing a Change in Organizational Culture Essay

Critically explain why changing organisational culture is so difficult and how managers can do it. Culture can be defined as â€Å"a set of basic tacit assumptions about how the world is and ought to be that a group of people share and that determines their perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and, to some degree, their overt behaviour† (Schein, 1996). Organizational culture is depend on differences in norms and shared values which are learned in workplace and to direct behaviour of members in the particular organisation. Cabrera, Cabrera& Barajas 2001) Organisational culture was built on its shared beliefs and values which was the guidance to solve problems. This essay will introduce the definition of organisational culture and explain why changing organisational culture is so difficult. The main reasons are the fear of uncertain future and difficult to establish the organisational culture. In addition, the essay is to interpret how managers can change organisational culture and how does it work. Managers can change organisational culture through communication and management strategies. This essay may introduce the detail about changing organisational culture. Most scholars think that changing organisational culture is difficult; however a few people think it is easy to change organisational culture. As Chu (2003) stated that organizational culture is contributed to change. In his opinion, organisational culture can collect different values and actions to form a frame to guide the behaviour of members within an organisation. In other words, organisational culture can shape what employees do in the company and control tendency of company. For example, a company may have employees who are unwilling to change and who are conductive to change, if managers recruit staff that are innovated and willing to change, they may be the new power to change organisational culture. Therefore, to form a â€Å"change† culture can make changing organisational culture easier. However, it is also difficult to establish an organisational culture. It is need to experience a long time and face lots of difficult and challenges. According to levels of cultural analysis (Wood 2004), it shows how difficult to form the organisational culture, especially the deepest level of cultural analysis: common assumption. Common assumptions are to collect truths that organisational employees shares as a result of their common experiences and that direct beliefs and behaviours. It is extremely hard to isolate these modes, but it is interpret why culture is full of organisational life. It is hard to shape common assumptions if members of the organisation do not experience same ups and downs or cooperate long time. As Ferrara-Love (1997) stated that organizational culture does not appear in a night. On the contrary, organisational culture evolves during the time, and is the collective beliefs of individuals who worked together. Therefore, it is hard to establish organisational culture, to say nothing of changing organisational culture. At the same time, it is debatable to recruit plenty employees when the company want to change organisational culture. The new power is unstable to the company. It is hard for managers to control the new employees and it still need to cost much time. To conclude, it is difficult to change organisational culture. Organisational culture plays an ineradicable role to different kinds of organisational behaviours and members within organisations. Thus, it is always failure if certain problems of organisational culture were not being considered. Moreover, if managers want to change organisational culture which focuses on shared values or beliefs, it will be more difficult; because on the deepest of organisational culture, it formed invisible and omnipresent old guard or power which makes organisational change failure. As Locus and Kline (2008) stated that organizations always appear â€Å"learning disability† and â€Å"defensive routines† which obstruct the learning and organizational change. It shows the strong of conservative power. When managers try to change the organizational culture, they always face opposition. What was worse, the conservative power always important to the organisation. They make huge contribution to the company, which used to promote the development of company. Therefore, they play an important role to organisation. It is difficult for managers to challenge their authority. Moreover, the reason people do not want to change is the nature of people. People are easy to be used to do one thing and do not want to accept new thing. They are afraid of the unknown thing after change. As Ferrara-Love (1997) stated that people are comfortable with exist ways to finish the work. In their opinion, change is just the threat to their peaceful. Thus, they do not want to change organisational culture and dispute to change. It is obvious that changing organisational culture is so difficult. Leadership is the key to change organisational culture. The achievements of an organisation mostly depend on the leadership of managers. As Fishman and Kavanaugh (1989) stated that the culture of an organization and how employees want to change was formed substantially by leader. For example, if managers uphold to change organisational culture steady and have enough ability to direct staff, it will achieve maximum results with little effort to change organisational culture. Thus, managers are the guidance of the company; they are main factor to change organisational culture. Clement (1994) also expounded that management leadership is basic factor in a major organisational change effort. From this, it can be seen that the importance of leadership in change organisational culture. However, it is hard to change managers. If managers are not satisfied with their employees, employees can be changed, but managers will not changed unless the company go bankrupt. Thus, the most difficult to change organisational culture is to change the mind of managers. For instance, if managers make no attempt to make progress and milk-toast, it will be the most resistance to change organisational change. For this reason, the best way to change is from up to bottom. At the same time, change the mind and ability of leader is the difficult demand for changing organisational culture. To change organisational culture, managers have lot of things to do it. The role of managers is very important through up down system. As Ott (1989) suggested that the leader can do lots of things included staff selection, socialization, removal of deviating members, cultural communication and role model to guide behaviour. For example, managers can choose employees who will support to change organisational culture. Although it will not change the situation directly, they can be the power push the step of changing organisational culture. In the same way, managers can fire part of staff who opposes to change. It is not only reducing resistance to change organisational culture, but also overawe the opponent to change their minds. Furthermore, managers need to be the role model to change organisational culture. The behaviour of managers can be the maximum power to guide behaviour of managers. For example, when managers try to change organisational culture but not to do anything to change it, employees will not follow managers with any anxiety. To sum up, it is important to be the role model of changing organisational culture for managers. Furthermore, communication is an important tool for managers to change organisational culture. According to Fry (2003), he examined that leadership as motivation to change; managers need to communicate with employees about their feelings. In other words, managers should get in touch with employees and let them know core values of changing organisational culture and the need of changing organisational culture. The employees may understand the determination of managers and why to change organisational culture. Then, they can have their decision about changing organisational culture. In this way, it can reduce the distance between managers and employees, and let employees think they are also the participants to change organisational culture, they are not insignificant. When employees think they are the part of changing organisational culture, they will follow managers and try their best to help managers. At the same time, managers communicate with employees also can understand what employees think about and then do well about interactive. In addition, it can reduce the fear of employees about unknown future. As Kanter, Stein and Jick (1992) stated that communication is basic tool within any change process and failure to change always because of the feeling uncertain and anxious about their future. Thus, communication is very significant for managers to change organizational culture. In addition, to help employees to change organisational culture, managers need to teach them related skills and knowledge to work differently. As Ke and Wei (2007) suggested that employees thought to learn skills and knowledge as their main responsibility. Thus, employees may accept skills and knowledge easier than accept directly new culture. When they understand how to do, it may easy for them to accept to change organisational culture. At the same time, it is also the good way to remove their fear to uncertain future. When they master relevant skills and knowledge, they will be confident to deal with change of organisational culture. In this way, they will not fight against to change organisational culture as before. Then they can be the power help to change organisational culture. The most important things to change organisational culture are to change origin perception and beliefs. According to the definition of organisational culture, if managers want to change organisational culture, they must change shared values. The same as Whitely (1995) said that, managers need to be able to help employees to remove the past values which are not consistent with current shared vision of future organizational arrangements. The shared values and beliefs are keys of the organisational culture. Thus, managers need to change origin values of employees to change organisational culture. For example, managers can change new uniform to show the new the new appearance of company. According to Wood (2006), managers can create processes, systems and ways of working that enable to put the new values into practice. The new values can take place of the past one. In addition, managers can recruit and select new employees to help change origin values. As Harris and Metallinos (2002) stated that new employees were outside the company who did not affect by origin organizational culture, thus they were easy to accept new culture. That is why managers to select new employees to enlarge the power to change organizational culture. The new values and beliefs can be brought into the company in this way. In the same way, managers can retrain employees and engraft new rules to them, although it will not have better effect than new employees, it also can help to change organizational culture. In a word, managers need to create new values and beliefs to substitute origin one. Technology change also can promote to change organisational change. Although Weick (1990) thought technology change may make people anxiety about the values of new technology to their work, the new technology is the progress to organisational culture. There is no doubt technology change may improve work efficiency which may improve organisational culture. As Harris and Metallinos (2002) suggested that the application of new technology and subsequent development of system would promote standardization. The implementation of new technology can make employees understand new things which break routine. It also can be the sally port to open the mind of employees, let them know advantages of changing. When they can accept technology change, it is easy for them to support to change organisational change. Thus, managers can first bring in advanced technology to improve organisational change. Then teaching them to learn about it and establish new values in this process. This essay introduces what are the organisational culture and two main parts of organisational culture, the reason why changing organisational culture is difficult and how managers do to change it. This essay support to change organisational culture is so difficult because of the fear of unknown and difficult process to form organisational culture.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Felt Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Felt Needs - Essay Example Target age group socio-demographic profile: Onkaparinga is located south of Adelaide CBD. The city of Onkaparinga covers an area of 518km2 with a population of 153,496 (2004). 22% of the city's population is aged 15 years or lower, hence the city's age structure can be classified as young when compared with Adelaide Statistics Division (ASD). In addition, according to the data available, the city of Onkaparinga's population aged 15-19 comprises 8 % of the city's total population, which, when numerically presented, is 11,500 . According to (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2001), there is no specific data targeting girls aged 12- 18 years as a separate group. At the 2001 Census, the city of Onkaparinga recorded 20,530 females aged between 5- 24 in total out of which 323 were Indigenous females. In addition, there were 369 non stated females belonging to the above - examined group. It has been noted that the adolescents living in the Onkaparinga have had a very high incidences of breast cancer. These have been more pronounced amongst the poor those earning less than $21,000 per annum. To gain the right insight of the issues and of the Onkaparinga community, the following methodology was used. Oral interviews with the key informants, and focused group discussions. Finally all available related literature was reviewed with an aim of coming up with the true situation. The researcher, toured the Local Government Area of Onkaparinga (Adelaide-South Australia) to acquire data for the study, two main approaches were used, that is: Involvement of local leaders also referred her as key informants and group discussion. In a study related to needs assessment, approaches, Warheit, (1984) described the "key informant approach" as an effective research method based on information secured from local residents in a position to understand the peoples' needs and consumption patterns. Therefore, selection of informants was based on the individual's understanding of the community, its people and the peoples' needs. This method was favored because of the nature of the Local Government Area of Onkaparinga (Adelaide-South Australia) whereby the illiteracy levels are very high. The methodology is useful in collecting information from key people such as professionals, who have worked very closely with them and therefore understand their needs better. The data collected from focused group discussions was used to assess needs and has been used by social workers with a great level of success (Warheit, et al. 1984). Warren (1984, p. 36) stated that "group discussions are a fine method of covering a big area in a shorter time" In this particular study, each group comprised of people who could provide diverse dimensions on the community needs. The felt problems discussed here are presented from the perspective community. Felt Needs Unemployment: Interestingly, until year 2001, the city of Onkaparinga consistently recorded

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Environmental Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Environmental Strategies - Essay Example The results are analyzed in relation with the discussions that were explained in literature review section. Based on the discussions made on global warming and its effects, both the organizations agreed to the fact that global warming is a significant problem and believe that it is important for them to act on it with immediate effect. As a service provider for Network Rail, Atkins limited believes that public is the major contributor for global warming. They suggest that with proper usage of rail networks, the usage of cars and trucks to travel can be avoided to a great extent and thereby, reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. The organizational heads believe that, because of recession in current economy, the issues related to environmental changes have lost their limelight and have taken a back step. With the climatic change meet scheduled to happen at Copenhagen in November, clients and service providers believe that the global warming issues will again be under the scanner. They expect the meeting to design long term plans to achieve the goal of reducing global emissions by 80% from the current level in 2050. On organizational perspective, as an example of companies practicing new strategies with the primary focus both on environment and customer, the rail network organization has come up with an A2B strategy for their business. By this strategy, they have kept the mitigation of climate change effects as one of the top requirements, on par with cost and maintenance activities. Based on the argument produced by Arvin Lazar regarding climate change becoming one of the top most agenda for organizations, the two organizations have different opinions on this issue. Being a part of the government of UK, Network rail has taken into consideration the environmental impact by green house gases, in their funding strategy. They have organized an environmental committee to promote them to a state where they have a clearer idea about the environmental impact caused by them. Whereas on the other hand, the contractors are concerned more about the quality of the product they deliver rather than climate change. They prioritize issues based on the client needs and believe that climate change would be considered as a top priority in the near future. On an introductory note, we can summarize the issues that the contractors and the client are challenged by implementing the environmental change strategies in their respective system. For the client, implementing the environmental strategies is in the pipeline but the only drawback they are facing is a failure of an estimation of the cost required to do the same. The contractors, due to recession are in a state of implementing environmental strategy only on compulsion from the client and hence it is yet to become their prime motive. Since there are no set of standards on implementing the strategies, both the clients and contractors believe that the implementation is not a onetime process. Government The government has introduced a program called Climate Change Program (CCP) to reduce Carbon content emission levels. But then, as (David 2008) suggests, the above program will not affect greatly on reducing the percentage of emissions. The contractors agree with this thought as their main goal is quality of work rather than leverage of taxes. The client side analysis shows that they believe the rules are only just to comply and suggest that legislations in Scotland have to certain extent,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

IT in Hotels and Resorts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IT in Hotels and Resorts - Essay Example To enable us to come to a conclusion whether IT is a blessing in disguise for hotels else if it is destroying the service within hotels, it is important that the benefits and drawbacks of IT in the hospitality sector are discussed. The next section focuses on the benefits and drawbacks of IT on the hospitality sector. Technology is shaping our world. It has become a part of everyone’s lives and it rules almost every action of ours. The hospitality industry being such a massive industry also needs to be aware of the latest technological developments. Every year there is an event held called HITEC the worlds best and unbeatable hospitality technological event! This event is for all hoteliers to meet up with their fellow hoteliers and to attend sessions held by industry experts. These sessions that are held are to help attendees learn the basics and make them informed buyers. The main idea of the event is to give hoteliers an exposure to the latest technologies, products and services from over 300 companies. The event is generally held somewhere between mid to late June. This years even has brought about a very interesting innovation was addressed, the progressive hotels are now willing to engage online and trying their best to gain as many customers as possible and make their stay as comfort able as possible(Mce, 2008). There have been several technological developments in the hospitality sector. Some of these developments go unnoticed by customers since they are mainly used for management purposes and operational purposes. However there are a lot of other developments which can be appreciated by the customers since it directly relates to customer experience. The developments have been many, from changing of a regular door key to a key card, to implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to ensure complete comfort for the customer (Schweisberger & Chatterjee, 2001). It is very clear that technology has in

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Analyze why people are so passionate about sports Essay

Analyze why people are so passionate about sports - Essay Example The craze about football, for instance, is common knowledge to fans and non-fans alike. People have passion in sports for the love of it, but most importantly, because it is enjoyable, entertaining and relaxing. The level of passion in football is quite high. Many are the instances when fans express dejection and anger when their favourite teams succumb to defeat. Passionate fans will go mad when they hear the words â€Å"after all, it was just a game.† Those who have no idea how painful it is to lose a game speak such statements. Probably they are not aware that football is a source of inspiration for most people just as books are to others. Passionate fans revere their players and teams. To them, nothing is as sweet as their teams getting to the top of the rankings where the smell of victory is strongest. English Premier League (EPL) fans are known to express this kind of passion. Some end up committing suicide following massive losses. Football games are an integral part of passionate fans. It is quite annoying to hear comments like â€Å"what is the fuss all about?† Anyway, it is wrong to blame people who have little understanding of passion or emotions. Vallerand et al. (1279) argue that there may be differences in modes of expressing passion across the world but the football language remains one. This language makes passionate fans similar in a number of ways These similarities best explain why people may be passionate about football. Living the experience of football is the most essential requirement of being a passionate fan. Mere spectating does not suffice. One has to be part of the whole experience. A passionate fan has to attend most of his or her team’s matches. My father once shocked me when he said, â€Å"If I miss a Chelsea game I may not concentrate at work for a week or so.† Moreover, being a passionate fan invites the duty of emotional engagement with the team to make the team perform well. However, fans who attend away

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Role of Creativity and Innovation in Implementing Strategies Essay

The Role of Creativity and Innovation in Implementing Strategies - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that innovation and creativity are essential elements in implementing successful business strategies. Corporations are reluctant to rethink their business models can learn a lot from Wal-Mart. The organization has successfully applied innovation and creativity to its business model. There are many benefits of creating a business environment that supports innovation. This environment is convenient for generating new ideas that could be very useful for the organization. Innovation and creativity in the business field may not be rocket science, but they do take a special type of practical genius. Through innovation and creativity, small companies can squeeze even higher sales and greater profits from the markets. For instance, Wal-Mart started embracing technology (even though it is not in an e-commerce business), and they are now competing with internet giants like Amazon. Creativity is making or otherwise bringing into existence something ne w. It may be a new solution to a problem, a new method, device, or an artistic object. Innovation is adding a new thing to an existing product or process. Creativity is the starting point for innovation. No businesses, however big, can continue to hold a position in the market unless they incorporate innovation and creativity in their strategies. The study would provide guidance to business managers interested in using creativity and innovation to implement their strategies.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film - Essay Example On an armed exploration around the colony, John Smith was captured by the natives and brought to the leader where he was sentenced to die. The chief’s daughter spared John Smith’s life on chief’s command that he would live with them. This is the way to observe him to know the plan of the colony. The chief also asked him to command the colony to leave in the spring. When they did not leave, the natives attacked the colony. The story presented a view of the events that occurred during the time when the United States is in the early stage of colonization by the English people. This is significant in determining the different issues that occurred during that time. One is the differences in culture. The English people have the main objective of colonizing the land due to their need to find a place where they can have a new beginning, a simpler and less complicated life. Thus, even in the beginning then, they have the motive of staying in the land. On the other hand, t he natives who are innocent in nature and without sense of ownership and envy welcomed the English people on the premise that they would leave after some period of time. But when it did not happen, the conflict occurred. The story is historically significant on the basis that it presented it showed the scenario in a land that is colonized.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Pop Art and Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Pop Art and Fashion - Essay Example Art has been very influential in the past years. Art is wide and does not only involve paintings, sculptures, photography and film-making. It can also be defined as skill and imagination overuse in order to create different aesthetic objects, surroundings and experiences that are shared to different individuals in the society. And from the ancient days art has continued to develop in a gradual manner. Among the development in art is the introduction of what is known as pop art. It is known to be popular culture’s art and its characteristic is that it has optimism sense. Most artists have been greatly influenced by this and majority of them have interpreted pop art in their own way. Among those influenced by Pop art is lady Gaga who is perceived to be one of the famous pop singer and song writer. She is known to have unique fashion taste. As a result, her fashion designer created several designs that mainly have the artist’s style association. Through this, today’ s generation has been influenced greatly into appreciating art as a significant element of human life. In today’s society pop art has made tremendous influence on different kinds of fashions. In order to be able to fully understand the contemporary art it is important to look back and appreciate all the individuals of the past generation who remained focused and persistent in making this kind of art possible. It is amazing how most artists were able to customize different things that they came across in life. They were able to apply art in everything.